
Nichkhun's accident. TVN enews trans

By Michelle Joanna - 5:30 PM

Watch it ! 
At 00:56 Eye witness: First of all, it's not Nichkhun's fault. It is the motorcyclist' fault.
00:58 Eye witness: After watching the CCTV, it seems so different from what i saw myself. I really think that the motorcyclist is wrong too.
01:03 Eye witness: Nichkhun was seriously on his knees and praying. It was no joke. His face turned completely white die to the shock.

The complete reversal of Nichkhun's story. We will reveal it now!

02:06 (They went to check the CCTV)

02:10 Reporter: Is there a CCTV here that recorded the accident?
CCTV Person: CCTV? But we can't see the front (view). We can see that a car passed by here and its Nichkhun's car.
Reporter: The time (when the accident happened) was around 3am right?
CCTV Person: It happened at 2:45am. From here the car went down from here.
Narrator: The time was exactly 2:47am. After that, Nichkhun's car can be viewed from the CCTV.
CCTV Person: It's the car that passing by right now. The accident happened there.

(They went to check on Khun's alcohol level)

Person: The result came out as 00.56%. Because we can smell (the smell of alcohol) so we checked again. He himself said that he drank about two glass of beer and he confessed to it himself. (And he explained the accident. Sorry cant understand exactly that part). (And he said that Khun's driving license has been revoked.)
Reporter: How was Nichkhun's condition?
Person: He didn't do anything. He confessed that he drank some beer and he was repenting.

Interviewing totally different eye witness-es.

05:35 Reporter: Can you tell us a bit how was the situation during the accident?
Eye witness: First of all, it's not Nichkhun's fault at all.
Caption: It's not Nichkhun's fault?!
Eye witness: Because Nichkhun himself said that he drank so all the blame goes to Nichkhun. (im sorry but cant understand what he said next)
Caption: The eye-witness said that it's not Nichkhun's fault at all!
(Interviewing a different eye-witness)
Reporter: Heard that the victim is a substitute driver.
Eye-witness: Yes, from the CCTV we can see that the substitute driver was speeding/going so fast. The bike was fast.
Reporter: Did you see the video of the accident?
Eye-witness: Yes
Reporter: Was it recorded from here?
Eye-witness: Yes. The way i see it, the bike was fast and the altho the car was going down a downhill road, the car wasn't fast/speeding. The car was at normal speed. And i think that it's the motorbike's fault.

The clips shows that its not that the car hit the bike, but the bike hit the car first instead.

07:13 Eye-witness: Nichkhun was seriously on his knees and praying. It was no joke. He was praying a lot and was coming back and forth (couldnt stay still). And called the manager
Reporter: You said that he prayed as soon as he went down from his car.
Eye-witness: Yes he kneeled besides the victim and he was praying hard. It was no joke.

(Nichkhun was so shocked and he kneeled down besides the victim and pray)

Eye-witness: He was so sorry that he couldn't just sit still and he can't even walk back and forth because too shocked. His face turned completely white. He looked at the sky and pray and saying what should he do. He coulsn't stay still. It was crazy.

(sorry couldnt understand well after that)

(About the rumor saying Nichkhun faught)

Eye-witness: And he told the police that "I drank a few".
Reporter: He told that first to the police even before the police asked?
Eye-witness: Yes he said it first by himself. And after he said that the investigation went.
Eye-witness: After that he bought 2 bottle of water and drank it in his car. The police is behing him investigating and he can't go back and forth to the police car..

08:55 Eye-witness: You know, the victim, the motorbike driver, he is a substitue driver. After the crash, he got up, stand up immediately, right after he saw Nichkhun's face he laid down again.
Reporter: You saw that yourself?
Eye-witness: yes, ofcourse. He really got up, and saw nichkhun's face, he immediately lay down again while saying "ahhhh" like that.

Sorry i can trans till here only got to go now.

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Sorry for the rough trans

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