
Summary of news reports regarding Nichkhun's incident

By Michelle Joanna - 5:27 PM

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1. Common Witnesses

- Immediately after the accident, Nichkhun got out of the car, looking very shocked and kneeled in front of the motorcyclist and prayed.
- The motorcyclist seemed to get up but as soon as he saw Nichkhun's face, he plunged back onto the ground.
- Nichkhun was seen to be going to a nearby convenient store to buy an 'after alcohol' drink because his manager told him to do so.

2. Different Witnesses

- Police says Nichkhun's car was driving a little faster than the motorcyclist but some witnesses are saying the opposite.
- Nichkhun went to the store to buy the drink but he did NOT drink it.

**The drink is to help break down the alcohol faster inside the body but this shows he was not trying to cover the fact he had alcohol.

3. Other

- A professional health consultant had stated that even with only 2 standard beers, a person who has similar body mass/build to Nichkhun can reach alcohol level of 0.056% very easily. Even the police stated that 0.056% means less than 3 beers.

*There was no sign of blood anywhere on the accident scene. It is not true the motorcyclist was covered in blood.


KOR-ENG summary by Haeda

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