
Inner Monglia Travel Blog 内蒙古之旅

By M I C H E L L E J O A N N A - 10:55 PM

This is my first time travel to Inner Mongolia. I always think that Inner Mongolia and Mongolia is the same. But in fact, they are different! Inner Mongolia still part of China. I personally think Inner Mongolia is a very interesting place to travel. Inner Mongolia is the second biggest province in China after XinJiang Province. Inner Mongolia has a beautiful grassland and desert. They also have their own language. But because of they are part of China, the ordinary citizen in there use Chinese Language to communicate. Mongolian Language isn't use anymore, only the old citizen in there can use it.

Here are my travel journey to Inner Mongolia~ I use a China's Travel Agency called Qunar 去哪儿旅行. You can check on their website (it's all in chinese language) https://www.qunar.com/

My travel date from July 13th 2019 to July 17th 2019. I travelled with my boyfriend.

The first day I only spent time in plane to Inner Mongolia. On July 13th in the afternoon, I went Changsha Airport and met one of the travel agency worker. She helped us to check in our baggage.



The second day was very tired, I went to Inner Mongolia's grassland called Xilamuren Grassland (希拉穆仁草原). In Xilamuren Grassland I rode a horse by myself! hmm.. actually not all by myself haha. There's always a guide (a horse guide). The guide make some sound to communicate with the horse so we can ride it by ourself. The horse follow the guide who's also riding a horse, and make us can see all the beautiful landscape of the grassland. This experience I will never ever forget! I spent 1 night in Xilamuren Grassland. I also ate a whole grill sheep while watched performance about Inner Mongolia Wedding Ceremony. In the night they hold a bonfire and some beautiful fireworks.




The third day in the morning, I went to Inner Mongolia Village. In here, we can see how they made their home. Inner Mongolia's house very unique. Then the next destination is the place I'm waiting for long time. I went to desert! To go to desert, we spent around 4-5 hours from Xilamuren Grassland. After a long ride, finally we arrived the desert called Xiang Sha Wan (响沙湾). This is the first time I travelled some place where has a desert. Eventhough the desert isn't big enough like in Saudi Arabia, but still has beauty in it. The tour guide guided us to see around the desert. The desert has so many attraction *some kind an amusement park. We played about 3 hours. The sky suddently turn gray about to rain. Luckily, it's after we finished played and prepare to go back. Then we went back to a city named Ordos (鄂尔多斯). We ate dinner and stay 1 night in there.


We travelled Ordos City (鄂尔多斯) in the forth day. We went to Ghengis Khan Mausoleum (成吉思汗陵), Ordos Convention Center (鄂尔多斯会展中心), Kang Ba Shen Xin Qu (康巴什新区), and a souvenir shop. The souvenir shop is really huge! They have a factory to make the milk candy which is so delicious. And the milk tea is all delicious. I bought a lot! In this forth day, not to much attraction and not too tiring. Some of the traveller in this tour already went back to their home. So, this is also the last day for our travel. In the evening, after ate dinner, we went to Hohhot (呼和浩特)--The capital city of Inner Mongolia. Once again, we stay 1 night in there. But! before that, there is one problem. The hotel we stayed cannot accept foreigner. I donno why, we already told the travel that we are foreigner. And the worst part, the tour guide already left us in the hotel where we cannot stay. I immediately called the tour guide. She told us to stay another hotel. We took a taxi by ourselves to go to the new hotel. That's make me a little annoyed. But that's okay, all the places we went to pay my heart.



The last day!! We went to the Hohhot International Airport around 8.30 in the morning. I'm a little disappointed the fact that we couldn't go to see the Museum. The travel agency told us that we could make it before go to the airport. Actually we can't! Our flight is 11.50 AM and the museum opens in 9AM. we couldn't make it. So pity, but yet I still love this travel!

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